Квартира в красивом месте


  • Недвижимость: 1-комнатная квартира для продажи в Варна, Область
  • Локация: (Варна, Область )
  • Размер : 70 кв. м.
  • Сад: 0 кв. м.
  • Аэропорт: 9 km приблизительно
  • Спальни: 1
  • Меблированный: Не
  • Развитие:
  • Ref. No.: 61348


Квартира, которую мы предлагаем купить в собственность в Болгарии, расположена в новом роскошном доме в одном из тихих и спокойных районов города Варна. Эксклюзивный вид на море, бассейн, сауна, парковка, видеонаблюдение, безопасность, роскошь - все это преимущества дома, построенного из кирпича. Квартира, которую мы выставляем на продажу в Болгарии, площадью 70 кв.м, состоит из прихожей, гостиной с кухней, спальни, ванной с туалетом и балкона. При строительстве использовались самые качественные материалы - полы уложены плиткой и ламинатом, ванная с туалетом облицованы плиткой, оконные рамы из ПВХ, красивые входная и межкомнатные двери, места общего пользования отделаны мрамором. Квартира продается без мебели и оборудования бытовой техникой, но это и является ее плюсом - Вы сможете проявить свой талант дизайнера и обустроить ее в соответствии со своим уникальным вкусом. На балкон можно попасть из обеих комнат, пространство позволяет поставить столик со стульями и устроить маленький уголок для чаепития на свежем воздухе. С балкона открывается шикарный панорамный вид на окрестности морского курорта. Прекрасная территория комплекса способствует полноценному отдыху - зеленые газоны с кустарниками и подсветкой, бассейн с шезлонгами, дорожки, вымощенные тротуарной плиткой и камнем. Варна лучший город для проживания в Болгарии. Не Париж, а Варна - город любви. Этот город – магнит для влюбленных с его утопающими в зелени прибрежными аллеями, городскими парками, небольшими ресторанчиками, предрасполагающими к романтике и задушевным разговорам. Город Варна славится своими великолепными курортами. В летний туристический сезон здесь витает особая атмосфера, пропитанная беззаботностью и романтикой. В Варне есть драматический и кукольный театры, а также около 10 кинотеаров. В Центре Морского парка находится Варненский зоопарк. Недалеко от него расположен и террариум „Экзотик зоо”. Дельфинариум – одно из любимых развлечений детей и гостей Варны. В Фестивальном культурном комплеске, который находится около центрального входа в Морской парк, проводятся различные фестивали, концерты и выставки. Сейчас Варна - это экономический, культурный и административный центр, он - один из самых динамично развивающихся городов в Болгарии.

Основных Местах

  • Около города
  • Побережье моря
  • Рядом с морем
  • В морском курорте
  • Недалеко от морского курорта
  • Недалеко от шоссе
  • В городе

Основные Черты

  • Автостоянка
  • Асфальтированная дорога
  • Вода
  • Электричество

Другие Черты

  • Балкон
  • Партер
  • Рядом магазины
  • Возможность дорожной стоянки
  • С видом на море
  • Внутренняя ванная комната
  • Внутренний туалет
  • Бассейн

Being an American, I want to write a review that is specific for US buyers, it’s going to be as long as the review from the gentleman from the UK. :) The process for purchasing property in Bulgaria requires the assistance of lawyers. Because we are not in the E.U. there will be additional steps to take that require a visit to the Embassy in the US or if that is not possible, some extra steps to officiate paperwork in Bulgaria. For these reasons you must work with someone very professional, knowledgeable, and of course, trustworthy. I can tell you that Kiki is all of those things and right to the point: she is an expert. For Kiki, she makes the process as easy as breathing. She’s extremely knowledgeable about purchasing property under any circumstance, for any nationality, and even during a global health scare. Nothing whatsoever was any hurdle or issue. Because of the different issues US citizens face, I will be quite lengthy in this review, to review Kiki’s expertise and professionalism, and review the process of investing in Bulgarian property using chose to purchase property online, totally remotely due to the health crisis. I am located in NY and it was not possible to travel during the restrictions. I have lived in Europe before, I am familiar with the lifestyle, the land, and country villages, so I personally had no hesitation about wanting to invest in a Bulgarian country home, having never been there. For those considering buying remotely I will say that the village is as important as the house. You can use Google earth, research the village names, and watch videos and video travel vlogs about all of them on Youtube. Kiki has dozens-hundreds of listings, she works very fast and you will have many excellent options. From start to finish it was only a few steps of getting documents officiated at the Embassy. I made a mistake and didn’t get the right stamp at the NY Bulgarian Embassy, and within one hour of us realizing it, Kiki had emailed the Embassy, and texted me the agent’s personal phone number -so that I could get a new appointment, first thing the next morning. Which I did.Can you even imagine anything like that in America? This is how Kiki works. Everything is taken care of by Kiki, the expert. This extended everywhere I went. Bulgarian people working at the Embassy: they will treat you like royalty. At every step of the way, I became more sure and more excited about every aspect of this process, and my investment.? There are (minor) extra legal steps taken in Bulgaria to complete the process and all of it must be done in Bulgarian and with the help of a lawyer. Here Kiki being an expert and having everything worked out professionally, means this will also go quickly and easily. I feel like I snapped my fingers and it was over because of Kiki making everything so easy for me. I now own my dream country home that my family and I will love to fix up and enjoy. Kiki went an extra step to send updated photographs to me, and I was so pleased to see there were extra rooms in the house that I had not seen in the listing, and lovely buildings on the edge of the property which I am thrilled about. From this process I feel like I got more than I paid for because of the extra service that Kiki offers her clients. It would be unthinkable for me to buy from anyone else and we are already looking at other properties for the extended family.??A note about buying remotely: times have changed. Because of the health scare, many businesses went exclusively online. I work in renovation, design and construction, so I feel ok sizing up properties from images, knowing I have the experience to handle it. For those that don’t, I think you can rely on Kiki to make excellent recommendations for what you need, and she will be honest about every condition of every home, and she’s very good at this type of help as well. For me, because of what it would cost for airlines and hotels to visit first before purchase, I decided I would rather put that money in the purchase of the property itself, and I’m so glad I did. For other Americans considering investing in homes and property in Bulgaria, I can’t say enough positive things about my experience and how happy this has been for me, and I would not even consider working with another agent than Kiki and To any American reading this with any hesitation about the ease of this process, don’t have any stress or concerns whatsoever. I was told exactly what would happen, and then it did exactly as explained. Incredibly, even with me not speaking Bulgarian and a major time difference, it literally could not have gone any better, there was no stress whatsoever, and it has made me and my family very happy.

— Kim Holleman, United States
  • Bulgarian House
  • +359 898 422 816
  • 6 General Skobelev Street, Kazanlak, 6100 Bulgaria
  • © 2003-2025  Все права защищены.
Bulgarian House